When it comes to keeping little ones safe on the road, knowing the laws around car seat usage is vital. Keeping your child secure in your own vehicle is one thing, but what about other modes of transport?

We’ve compiled the rules around a variety of vehicles so you can stay up to date on the safest way to transport your little ones.

Child seats in a taxi, private hire vehicle, or minicab

Taxis, private hire vehicles, and minicabs do not have to provide child restraints by law. However, you must use them if they are available.

Children under the age of three can legally travel without a car seat in the back seat. They should not wear a standard seat belt. They cannot travel in the front seat without the correct car seat.

However, this is not a safe practice, and we don’t recommend it. Instead, try to bring your own child seat if there isn’t one provided with the vehicle.

Children aged three or older can travel in the backseat without a car seat if they wear a standard seatbelt, but once again we recommend using a car seat if you can bring your own.

Child seats in coaches and buses

Coaches and buses do not have to provide child restraints by law. However, you must use them if they are available.

Children under the age of three can travel without a car seat, but it’s not the safest option and we don’t recommend it. They shouldn’t wear a seatbelt.

Children aged three or older can travel without a car seat if they wear a standard seatbelt, but once again we recommend using your own car seat if the coach or bus has the facilities to fit it.

When can a child legally travel without a car seat?

There are some instances where it’s legal for a child not to use a car seat.

On an unexpected but necessary journey

Children aged three or older can use a standard seat belt without a car seat if you need to make an unexpected by necessary journey over a short distance and the correct car seat isn’t available.

For children under the age of three, they can only be taken on an unexpected journey without a car seat if it’s in a licensed taxi or minicab, and they travel in the backseat without a seatbelt.

If there’s no room for a third child car seat

If you’re transporting multiple children and there’s no room for a third car seat in the back of the vehicle, a child aged three or older can either use the correct car seat in the front or sit in the back using a standard seatbelt.

Children under the age of three must sit in the front seat with the correct child car seat.

Ultimately, the safest way to travel with a child is using the correct car seat, so we always recommend using one where possible – even if it’s not required by law. Read more about the laws regarding child car seats and booster seats on the Government website.

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