How to Tail Whip a Scooter

This scooter trick involves giving your scooter’s deck a 360-degree spin as you fly through the air .

You’ll need to master your ‘kick flick’ before trying to do this while jumping, so try spinning your scooter deck as you stand still first to get it right.

  1. Before you try to flip your scooter deck around in the air, practice flipping it around as you stand still. Use your arms to move the deck around (a bit like a mixing bowl!) and use your foot to kick the deck around.
  2. Grab your handlebars tightly and make sure both feet are on the deck.
  3. Once you're feeling confident enough to try it while moving, push once or twice and get the right amount of momentum, then combine a big bunny hope with your 'kick and flick' technique.

Check out our other Jordan Clark scooter trick videos:

The Master Trixter- Jordan Clark

Three-time European and World Scooter Champion Jordan Clark uses a mixture of motivation from his family and others in the industry, the right kit and of course plenty of practice on his scooter, Jordan honed his scooter tricks to the point where he was able to compete in scooter trick competitions – and eventually make it to the global stage.

Important safety note: Always wear a helmet when attempting scooter tricks, as well as knee, elbow and wrist pads.

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