Cancel / Amend an Order or Booking

Unfortunately, we are unable to amend the details of your order once it has been submitted.

If there is information missing from a delivery address, such as house number or post code, then despite not being able to directly amend the address, we are able to pass this information to the courier prior to them delivering your parcel.

In some circumstances, if we are unable to contact the courier, we can request cancellation of the delivery and return the parcel to sender (RTS).

Please Contact Us to cancel an order or booking after it has been placed.

To cancel Click & Collect orders click here, enter your email address, order number, and then click "check status". Just below the store address, click "cancel order".

Once your request has been processed, we will send you an email to confirm. Once you have received your email to confirm, refunds usually take 3-5 working days to appear in your account (this time will be dependent on your card provider).